Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Giving a Fuck

England you're so austere
Rain on duffle coat, soak
To the bone and banal moan
I love you!
But my life is young
I have no-one with which to run
The fun of weather
Warm fires, glow

The separation between people is too much
I always feel far from you
Even though you tell me the truth
Even though you value me more
The distance between us is too much

I need more than the fire's glow
I need to know you in my clothes
In my face, hands and hair
I do not care for fleeting decency
I want raw virile touch

Now is all we ever have
So many times we've heard the words
Then why do Britons refuse to hug?
Why the lug of mundane days?
I'll burn up one day, Bham!
Gone!  So long!  So...

In this here tempestuous mind
Trying to justify myself
I've realized in all my frustrated anger
And without any eloquence
I don't give a fuck!
I'll give a fuck to touch



The rosey harbour of fisherman cheeks
and leaks of wooded frame
Propped on the resistant swell, the lap
of lapping quiet
Drink to my diet!, barley sap,
The vagabond cap
rests, at my behest on brow
Cower you coy thing, the brrring brrring
of bell and flap of flag
Harbours nestle in crooks, and crooks in harbours
far from the madding babbling brooks of crowds
Unlike daffodils they do not sway, but bray
What have you done today?!
I've wandered cap in hand, on breast
a drunkard's quest for pennies -
"spare us some change" - what from the drum
of hum and mundane requiem?
Ain't 'alf cold but romantic here,
with rosey cheeks and cheer of beer
