Friday, July 20, 2012

Suck My Tongue

Bleary eyed hankering after the bottle
Adieu pride!

Someone write on me
Scrape my granite, write
"I love you"

Shake my hand
Pat my shoulder
Grasp my bicep
Slap my thigh

Better still
Hug me, kiss these parched lips
Suck my tongue
Blow breath into my lung

Too young to get this old
Without a lover


In the morning over eggs and bacon
See little cold pattering feet run
On slabs of blue

16th January '09
Cappucino Massimo

Gosh, it's hard
Easing my way through Cappucino Massimo
Double handled
Kerouac's gloom mingling and dancing with mine
Swirls on the eyes from the written word
Outside's cold
I'm lonely
My sick body may not want the booze medicine

5th Dec '08

The pert breasts of a woman
Her open legs
It's been a while her wetness
Ecstasy and comfort

She gives her femininity
Cuts my toe-nails on a floor in Chiang Mai
Washes my hair, scrubs my back

I do the same for her
Turning her and smoothing
Kiss as the water cascades

"Do my hair one more time", she says confidently
Handing me the shampoo
Her close skin and the water

We go outside on the veranda
Share a nicotine fix
Both happy at that moment

I've found enlightenment
A smiling Zen monk
Caught by the glint in your eye
And your tenderness woman

22nd November '08