Friday, December 31, 2010

A Giggle

Propagating love in many places
Not only for sense of feminine hips
I've had the flavour but not the laces
Draped over her eye-lashes, cheeks, and lips
Hard-bone face giving what hasn't been less
Than emotion expressed in tongue-soaked kiss
Still, it's never been close to an ornate dress
Love's committal I continue to miss
Motion like this is rusted tomorrow
A journey quite rough and circu-it-ous
It's 'ready known that these days we borrow
And love will more often be a shared fuss
But I'd quite like to keep this time we're knowing
A baby's giggle in my ears is a growing

To Her

There is a girl I want to SEE but
Not being free, I can't
And though I could probably do the DEED
Having a sense of the good, I shan't


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