Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Killing Time (Coffee Machine)

Super soporific hazy terrific
Blaze of blur and whirry slur
It's doing me something - from the machine
Like Shakira, used and tainted
Smelling of burnt bark, biting like shark

Shouldn't we be breezy, light-hearted, easy
Night-time my morning, day-time for yawning
But darkness encroaches, exuberance like roaches
Smouldered and used, like my body abused

Bet Ginsberg would come up with some superific rhyme
With his time and his tea and his intellectual sea
Waiting in the baggage room, San Fran moon
Or with Kerouac watching oily sunflowers bloom

"Why don't you go fuck yourself, America!", he'd say
We'll say the same to the Anglican Vicars
Mums with their prams and their beautiful sisters
This coffee machine makes me do jumbled up stew

I'll give you a clue - I'm tired!



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